Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Is underestimated! Just wait and see, the winner will be always a winner. keep spirit my friends. we can do it! we can do it!
14 Oktober 2013 kecewa berat dengan sistem kampus gue. Please deh, hari gini masih ada juga yang namanya nepotisme. Tau gini gue ga ikutan seleksi yang ke jepang. nyesek banget tau nggak sih, udah semangat berusaha tapi ternyata itu hanya sekedar test formalitas saja. IRONIS!!!

Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

Good Bye

You were ever been a part of the most beautifull, delicious, and fascinating dream in the world that i can ever dream. Afraid that if i open my eyes, i'll wake up from my dream, so i can't open my eyes in fear. For every beautifull thing, thank you for gifting it to me. I won't be greedy and ask for more. I won't expect any more. Right now, i'll face my life. I'll try to be happy. And i could be it!

Bye, my best thing that i never had.